Jule Doe
The Hague, The Netherlands
Jule Doe (Julian den Breems) is a young self-taught artist from The Netherlands. He is guided in his work mostly by external stimuli; human emotions, news reports, roadside graffiti, chaotic streets, neon lights, traffic lights and so on and so on. His art represents his overloaded and sometimes chaotic mind. Blasting these emotions and impulsive thoughts on canvas intuitively, will result in strong colorwork, detailed drawings, sketchy drawings, multiple layers of paint and different use of materials. Take a look at his work, and many more, because each time you look closely, you will discover something new.
Jule Doe at work
!!SCAR COLLECTION!! artwork by Jule Doe
Jule Doe grafitti art
SKELECTRIC FEEL artwork by Jule Doe
Mixed media on canvas artworks
ATTENTIONSKEEKER artwork by Jule Doe
Possible commission
Behind the scenes
Jule Doe making art from scratch
The artist looking at his work
Mixed media on canvas
50 x 70 cm
Mixed media on canvas
60 x 80 cm
Mixed on canvas
100 x 120 cm
Mixed media on canvas
80 x 120 cm
Mixed media on canvas
60 x 80 cm